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Liposuction Surgery Information From Houston Plastic Surgeon


Suction assisted lipectomy, often known as liposuction, is a procedure that eliminates excess localized fat deposits that produce bulges in various parts of the body.Small tubes or cannulas are inserted through tiny incisions to suck fat deposits away.Liposuction is not intended to be used for weight loss.Liposuction is a body shaping operation that removes bulges to more cosmetically merge body contours.

The face and neck, upper arms, upper and lower belly, flank areas (love handles), inner thighs, outer thighs (saddlebags), buttocks, knee areas, and calves are all places where fat deposits can generate localized bulges.

On your body, fat is divided into two layers or compartments: a surface layer that is uniformly thick across the body, and deep compartments that are concentrated in the places listed above.You have excess fat in the deep compartment if you are not overweight but have a localized bulge in certain places. Deep compartment fat deposits are frequently inherited and do not react to diet or exercise.

On the other hand, superficial compartment fat increases with weight gain and decreases with weight loss. Liposuction is used to eliminate bulges by removing fat deposits from deep compartments. The quality and suppleness of the underlying skin have a significant impact on liposuction success.

The underlying skin must shrink or contract to suit the altered profile when fat is suctioned out to remove a bulge. If your skin is already too loose before the surgery, the extra looseness that results after suctioning may be unwelcome. Although there is no exact age at which the skin becomes too loose for liposuction, most individuals' skin elasticity begins to decline after the age of 45-50 (or, in some cases, before). To summarize, you need have localized fat deposits (not be enormously overweight) and elastic skin overlaying the fat deposits to be a good candidate for liposuction.

Liposculpture's Limitations

Liposuction is meant to improve contour in the areas suctioned, not to dramatically reduce your overall weight. When fat from beneath the skin is eliminated, the skin can loosen slightly.

The level of looseness is determined by the elasticity of your skin prior to surgery as well as the amount of fat removed. The amount of fat that can be removed is determined by the amount of fat that exists in each deposit.

To avoid rippling or dimpling of the skin surface, a thin layer of normal fat should be left beneath the skin. Only fat can be suctioned out. It will not be removed if you have a bulge caused by muscle or bone.

The liposuction operation will not remove a rippling or "cellulite" aspect of the skin that exists prior to suction. Following liposuction, tiny regions of skin rippling, dimpling, or contour anomalies may be visible. There will be some swelling, bruising, and numbness in the suctioned areas, but you will see an instant shape change.

Swelling and bruising normally go away in 2-3 weeks or less, and you'll notice your sensation returning in about 2 weeks (if it was reduced). It could take several weeks for your feelings to return to normal.All swelling will subside after 6 to 12 weeks, and the full effect of liposuction will be recognized.

Risks of Surgery

Other risks associated with all surgical operations, such as bleeding, fluid collection, infection, and e formation of scar tissue, occur in a very tiny number of patients.In our written information, we will provide you with more specific information on these and other unusual hazards, and we invite you to share any that worry you during your consultation.

The Plan of Action

The plastic surgeon will meticulously delineate the bulging areas to be suctioned and draw detailed contour lines to further describe the shape and contour characteristics of the fat deposit before performing liposuction.

The “tumescent technique,” in which a substantial volume of fluid is initially put to swell or “turmesce” the region, is used by your local cosmetic surgeon. Fat can be eliminated in a very smooth, symmetrical, and safe manner using this procedure.

The fluid loosens the fat, gives local anesthetic for the operating and immediate post-surgical pain, and contains epinephrine, which reduces bleeding.Small incisions are made in hidden regions, usually less than a half inch long, and small suction tubes are inserted to the right depth of the fat accumulation.

After then, the tube or cannula is passed back and forth until the desired amount of fat has been removed. It is then pushed over a half-inch and passed through numerous times more until the fat is eliminated. The entire bulging area is treated in this manner, with little amounts of fat being removed at a time and the thickness and contour of the fat being checked as suctioning progresses.

Following the completion of suctioning in one section, the opposing side is treated in the same manner, comparing the two sides and correcting contours to match as closely as possible.

Finally, the incisions are carefully closed, and an elastic garment or dressing is applied to the skin to apply light pressure and prevent extra fluid from collecting in the suctioned area.


All of your incisions will be meticulously closed with stitches placed beneath the skin, so you won't have any "railroad track" scars, only very fine line scars. You'll be able to shower or take a bath right away. None of the sutures will need to be removed because they will disintegrate on their own. Most patients have little pain after liposuction, but rather annoyances like soreness, tightness, or fullness. We'll ask you to wear an elastic garment that we offer for two weeks or longer after surgery, depending on the regions and amount of your procedure, to reduce fluid collection and swelling in the treated areas.

You will experience some soreness in the treated areas for 48-72 hours, and the soreness will subside over the next two to three days.

We'll prescribe medication to relieve your discomfort, but most patients only need it for one or two days.Depending on your tissue features, you may experience minor bruising in the treated areas, which will fade over 7-14 days.

The Recovery Process

Our patients frequently inquire about four stages of recovery: hospitalization, swelling or bruising resolution, return to work or social activities, and return to full aerobic or severe exercise.

The average cost of liposuction operations is...

  • Time spent in the hospital: Usually performed as a day surgical procedure in the office.
  • 7-21 days for bruising and swelling to go away
  • Resumption of job and social activities: 2-3 days
  • 14 days of aerobic or intense activity
  • Resume your normal activities as soon as possible.
  • Simply avoid any vigorous exercise that causes your pulse to rise beyond 100 for two to three weeks.
  • Any aerobic activity that raises your pulse above 100 raises your blood pressure and puts you at risk of bleeding.

Bruce K Smith MDBruce K Smith MD

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