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The Sun Goes Into Sagittarius On November 22, 2022


On the 22nd, the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius, giving us a chance to broaden our perspectives and make our dreams happen.
Sun in SagittariusPhoto byimage by author

“Knowing there’s light at the end of the tunnel helps us get through the rough times!”

Welcome to Sagittarius Season of 2022!

Also, happy birthday to all Sagittarians; it’s your time to be grand!

As we leave the focus on the difficult things in life method of Scorpio, we transition into the playful, let's not take things so seriously, Sagittarius style of life.

Scorpio Season is stern, drastic, and focused on embracing the unattractive truth. We learn to deal with prior trauma, our most profound feelings, intense inner work, and how to move past them. With fresh insights and a positive outlook for what lies ahead, we emerge from the darkness to appreciate life's pleasures to the fullest extent.

Once we enter Sagittarius, we’re ready to travel the road of least resistance. We start to feel optimistic that things will turn out okay. This Jupiter-ruled sign is all about going big or going home; therefore, if properly directed, we will have the enthusiasm to take the risks we were hesitant to go after.

Sagittarius Season enables us to overcome our limitations, allowing us to feel like we have a fire lit under us to venture out and experience life. Our ego will gain more from learning to be more expansive and open to new possibilities.

During this next month, we could feel more of an urge to unleash the inner explorer in us and broaden our horizons. This is not to say we’re going to travel the world and take advantage of every opportunity, but this will give us a sense of aliveness and nudge us to take actions that promote forward movement.

In Sagittarius, our confidence spikes, so it does pump us up to take more risks.

This goes back to what I mentioned in the articles about Mercury and Venus entering Sagittarius. Because this Sign ignites the need to pursue every opportunity possible, I want to remind everyone to use this enthusiastic energy to get things done and shoot their shot at good prospects because this Sign brings some luck.

There will also be a New Moon in Sadge, and its Ruling planet Jupiter goes direct all within 24 hours, giving us a substantial amount of fortunate energy.

Don't get me wrong; you can always seize an opportunity regardless of whatever Sign influences the cosmic atmosphere. However, there are moments when the Astrological weather is perfecto, so why not take advantage of those moments?!

During Sagittarius times, we feel more fortunate because it pumps us up with the feeling that luck is on our side. So, when this energy is channeled healthily, it could look like trying your luck on applying for jobs, scholarships, and exclusive clubs.

Because of the self-assurance of this combination, it encourages us to pursue chances that we previously shied away from because we were worried that we could be disqualified for them or that they wouldn't possibly be. It, therefore, has a way of dispelling imposter syndrome.

So, this could be a time to finally put your application into an apartment or home community that’s hard to get into without feeling nervous or worrying they’ll say no. Sagittarius is a “You never know what will happen if you don’t try” vibe, so this might result in a yes, but even if it doesn’t go through, at least you gave it a go.

However, in the promising Sadgy fashion, when one door closes, another one opens, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Therefore, if you feel this energy, take this opportunity to apply for that job or scholarship and to believe in yourself.
Sun in Sagittarius ChartPhoto bySirius Software

Socially this can be a jammed packed time.

Grandiose shenanigans and spontaneity will feel more manageable than usual. Therefore, if you’re tired of the same old same old, this energy gets you to find more elaborate activities. This vibe is about taking things to an expansive level, so we will elevate our usual weekend hangouts.

Meeting people becomes easier under this influence because we’re less closed off than we were in Scorpio. Therefore, this could look like finding ways to expand your friend group beyond your typical scene. Also, it introduces us to cool and fun adventures we would never have had if we had stayed in our own bubble.

Sadge season is an excellent excuse to embrace your funny side if you've been acting too serious lately.

Humor permeates the atmosphere; thus, crazy chats, jokes, or getting stuck on something so amusing you can hardly maintain a straight face tend to occur during this alignment.

If it’s not a time you’re going out, this is the perfect opportunity to connect with friends over the phone, Facetime, or Zoom. Sadgy energy is fantastic for planning a wine night over the phone with your friends or even a virtual paint and sip.

This allows us to have fascinating talks with others without having to go anywhere if that’s what we prefer. The bonus is you get the benefits of social interaction and the exchange of various viewpoints, which is what the Sagittarius season promotes without doing all the in-person stuff.

The energy of Sagittarius is about roaming new territory. This sign’s ruler, Jupiter, governs long-distance excursions, so this may be an excellent time to make travel arrangements to see family or friends who live across the country or in another state. Additionally, you might feel safe arranging a trip you had put off in the past.

Astrologically, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, governs festivities, feasts, being joyful, socializing on a grand scale, generosity, and exchanging different perspectives with others. In the United States, Sagittarius Season always coincides with the week of Thanksgiving, which is indisputably a Sadgey holiday.

Around this holiday we travel to the people we care about and sometimes that means a long trip by plane. As we spend time with our loved ones, we share jokes and assemble with others to indulge in excessive amounts of food, alcohol, and grandiose displays.

During Thanksgiving, families frequently engage in stimulating and perhaps tense discussions with their relatives in the Jupiterian tone of being opinionated. This synchronicity has always seemed remarkable because the timing is impeccable.

Since this energy is so generous, it may be a moment when you pay it forward or receive similar treatment from others. The likelihood of witnessing that on a global scale is also high during the Sagittarius Season.

A neutral expression of this energy is the fear of missing out “FOMO.” The reason why it’s a theme that can go either way is it will help you get out there and have fun. However, we do have to be aware of letting it take over to the point we spread ourselves thin, resulting in overbooking out of not wanting to miss a single event.

Of course, there is a lower expression when the Signs shift, which is never enjoyable.

Overindulging becomes an issue if not checked in this energy. The celebratory spirit of this Jupitarian sign causes us to want to go big or go home, and sometimes that can translate into drinking too much, eating more than we should, or overdoing it on feel-good things.

Another thing to watch out for is carelessness while this energy is present. It's essential in Sagittarius not to take yourself too seriously, which is okay as long as it's balanced, but the flip side is being irresponsible.

Entitlement issues need to be checked because this could inflate the feeling that the world owes us something; we also must be aware of clouded perspectives and truth-telling based on opinion rather than reality. Because of the honest nature of this energy, we need to make sure we are being direct but not so blunt it comes off as brutal.

So yes, things can get sticky; just make sure you are engaging in some form of self-awareness practice.

Despite some of this Sign's more complex expressions, the Sagittarius season is a terrific time to relax and have fun, so make the most of it.

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